Sunday, July 12, 2009

I want to live in The Shack it has been fooooreeeeeveeeeeer. I'm sorry to those who lived on my every word. ha.

This post will kinda be a recap of the last month of my life. Random points here and there, don't worry.

I want to start by saying how GOOD God every sense of the word.

1. The Shack
2. Emotional Restoration
3. Weight loss journey
4. Job opportunities.

yes, i just bulletined my blog highlights.

mmk back to business.

1. I read the shack this past month and it was incredible. I absolutely loved it. It has made me look at so many things differently and has made God, and the trinity so much more real and applicable. I believe the message of the book is incredibly powerful and has the ability to literally change lives. The author writes from semi experience based on the troubles of his life growing up and it is truly authentic.

- Sitting in church today, something clicked in my head. Something that is incredibly simple but makes understanding human nature a lot easier. When we chose to sin, it is because we believe God is not good. We believe He is not enough, so we turn to the world. Now don't get me wrong, ive known this all along...but there is something that just clicked. The simplicity of it. I have never been given a reason to doubt God, or believe He is not Good. In fact, compared to alot of people i know, I've had a fairly easy life. I am very blessed. All I know is God's goodness, so it just goes to show how our nature gets the best of us when we're not always on guard.

....Anyways, back to the book. If you havent read it, do so....quickly. It's worth it I promise!

2. God has used that book and many other things to fill the void I had recently. Anyone that has felt pain and hurt, or even just dissappointment at certain events that take place in life, that we dont really have much of a say in knows what I was feelings. Heartbreak. But God really did do something amazing and it kinda seemed like overnight. Amazing how that happens. I'm not going to stand here (simply because im actually laying in bed right now) and tell you Im not sad at times or that I dont get lonely, cause everyone does....but I understand the purpose and the process better, now.

3. I havent blogged about my weightloss in well over a month, but I have lost 19lbs. I truly am greatful that JC has given me the strength to keep going with this and for making it seem very attainable. My goal is 45lbs total, but i started saying i wanted to lose 20-30lbs by the end of goal is very close and I can alllllmost reach it. I'm really happy about it! I feel great and I am much more confident =)

and 4. I actually have a 2nd interview tomorrow (monday 7/12) on the phone with LU for the recruitment position. I'm in the top 3 out of all interviewed and tomorrow is just a few more questions, then they will pick out of us 3. I'm seriously thanking God so much for allowing me the opportunity even thus far. Even if I don't get it, I know that God will use it =) but i feel pretty confident I will get it.

SO YEA...thats my life at this a nutshell.
