Monday, April 13, 2009

Gay Mirrors

Ok, so this one is going to be a little random, maybe even weird, but i found it hilarious.

The other day I was having a conversation with my friend Bethany and we were talking about random stuff. It led to her saying how she wasn't having a very good day, and the conversation went downhill from there. I suggested dancing naked, as a joke, cause i think its funny, and she replied with how she does that regularly, but she wasn't in the mood. I followed with, "lucky mirrors" like when shes dancing, and her response was priceless. She was like, "unless the mirrors are gay and the sight of a naked woman nauseates them". I laughed hysterically! Then i got to thinking, what if random things around our houses had sexual preferences, like a gay mirror. Imagine all the thoughts that this so called gay mirror will have had all the years you were living in your house and it saw you naked. Orrr what about a gay shower head? Awkward.

Anyways, this was one of those posts more for me, just cause i found it very humerous. If you got a giggle from it, *highfive! if not, go read someone elses' blog, butthead. ha just kidding.


p.s. my next few posts are going to be songs i wrote in my past that im gunna share with you all...

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