Wednesday, April 1, 2009

what to expect...

So this isnt really going to a be a blog where i sit here and tell you what i had to eat for lunch and junk like that. Thats not me. What is me, is saying whats on my mind. Im not fake, a tell it how it is. I love to write so throughout my blogs you could see some poems and lyrics, some anger, passion, doubt, and love. If anyone ever reads these (maybe Jodi. ha), i hope there is some entertainment value, or at least some insight into my mind.

Life is a complicated, but beautiful problem. There is only one solution that is the true answer. Some say there are many different ways to find that answer, but i would disagree. In the one, true answer lies complete satisfaction. To attain this, bumps and bruises are inevitable, broken hearts are likely, and smiles and tears are regular. It is a narrow path that looks untraveled, which if on can be scary, but at the same time comforting. Up to this point in life, you have realized that most good things don't come easy, so if this narrow path (most likely near a very high cliff if your anything like me) looks untraveled, it's logical it should be a good thing....but at the same time, traveling alone usually sucks. But the trick is to realize that you're not alone, because if you look up, there is a big freakin arrow pointing us in the right direction. So now i ask myself, "why is it so stinkin hard to just look up, when instinctively i know the answer is right there." Its like the world puts blinders on our eyes, not so we wont lose focus, but so we can't attain it. It's amazing how things become so clear to us when we take the time to think and write. So as cliche as all of this has been, when traveling down a dark, skinny, close-to-edge path, you're probably going the right way, but when it doubt, just look up.

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